Friday, August 19, 2011

Funny Face



If Fred Astaire were at my house today here is how the conversation would have went...

Fred: "Jacob, I'm going to have you arrested!"
Jake: "Why?"
Fred: "Because you stole my moves!" :)

Oh and this is one of my favorite t-shirts that is almost too small now - but it is from the New Yorker and it has a bunch of babies in bassinets at the hospital and one baby is holding up a blackberry and he typed, "OMG I just got born!"


  1. You silly boy, made me smile! : )

  2. Oh, the smooth moves you make! It must have been from all the great retro music and David Gray's songs that your parents played for you in the womb. You must have been shaking your grove thing back then! Can not wait until our first dance! Love, Grandma
