Friday, September 16, 2011

I Got Shot!

So everything was going alright at my two-month doctor appointment - they made me strip down and then they weighed me, measured my height and head size, and then took my temperature. I didn't cry at all this time until things went horribly wrong... I got shot four times!! And it hurt, I tried to be the man of steel but it hurt so I cried. I cried so hard that at first no sound was coming out of me and then I cried real tears for the first time. Mama almost cried too it was so bad. Did I mention that I got shot and it hurt. Holy cow I can't believe the doctor shot me, seriously can you guys believe it?!

I'm going to continue to be horrified by that all day but I am sure you want to know the positives so here they are - I am doing really well and the doctor said that I am very strong for my age. She wanted to see me do tummy time and when I did she said that I was doing much better than babies my age. I now weigh 11 lbs. 15 oz. which puts me in the 49th percentile for weight and my height is 23.3 inches which puts me in the 57th percentile. J

1 comment:

  1. *Big sad face* on the shots! *Happy face* on the stats. Looking good baby Jake.
