Tuesday, May 1, 2012

May Day!

I was hanging out in my walker this morning when all of a sudden there was a doorbell ring, Papa went to answer it and saw Grandma running away and she had left a couple of baskets on our doorstep! As you can imagine this was very exciting, see Grandma came over (with Grandma 2) and brought us a May basket to celebrate May Day. My parents got chocolate and I received sweet potato puffs along with two new toys and some rings in a super cool green basket. Thanks for thinking of me Grandma and for always making special days fun, I love you!!


  1. Sweet potato puffs? That's a thing? Why was I not aware? ;-)

  2. Jake tell Briana she needs to hang around with your Grandma, you never know what she will find or adventures you would go on. Happy May Day. Love, Grandma
