Saturday, June 9, 2012

Local Cuisine

I told my Mama that I was hungry and she put down a can of Spam, when I asked her what it was she simply said, "The local cuisine." But after reading the ingredients I decided that I was good with my nuk and actually wasn't all that hungry. She was teasing me though because it's a spam bank so there were quarters in there... not meat jello.

My shirt says, "I'm One of the Good Guys" (which I am by the way) but the really cool part is that it glows in the dark. Yep, nap time was extra special today or should I say the lack of nap time.

Eddie and I were going to go for a walk (by ourselves) but then we couldn't figure out how to open the front door so we took our parents too. Sometimes it's a bummer being little, huh Eddie.

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