Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Is One the New Two

I have gotten a tad picky and only want macaroni and cheese to eat, I have squirmy diaper changes, don't want to wear pants, yell when I can't have my way, and am a budding John Balushi at meal times so Mama has been wondering is one the new two!?!

Mama: Oh well along with all of these minor inconveniences there are lots of hugs, kisses, new words almost daily, and the best sound in the world - Jake belly laughing! Tonight when Mark & I were making supper Jake comes in the kitchen walks up to me and grabs my leg and hugs it and then walks over to Mark gives him a big leg hug too and then goes over to Eddie bends down and pets him and then finishes by blowing us all a kiss as he leaves the kitchen. It was pure joy... man I love this boy!!!

1 comment:

  1. Awww leg hugs are the best Jake, way to make the parents forget about the almost terrible 2's?
